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Google Health

Humanizing Healthcare


We were awarded 1st place for the functional Android native app we created to help individuals make informed decisions with regard to health insurance


Amruta Apté, Charlie Caldwell, Elliot Chuh, Hassan Niazi, Mark Eugster, Patrick Ziajski, Prasann Ranade, Shannon Wackett & Myself


UX/UI Designer, Prototyper




Research indicates that having more engaged and informed patients could improve health outcomes, lead to better patient care and lower costs.

How might we create meaningful solutions to improve our communities’ access to healthcare services?

By the way, you only have 24h–have your app built ready for tomorrow.


@ 0 H R S

Understand & Decide

  • Project brief with Google executives

  • Team meeting

  • Data analysis (Data Scientists)

  • Vote & decide

@ 5 H R S

Ideate & Design

  • Brainstorming & sketching

  • Task flow & wireframing

  • Prototyping

@ 1 7 H R S

Build & Pitch

  • Develop app (Web Developers)

  • Create submission deck

  • Script writing

  • Presentation



With a team consisting of two Data Scientists, four UX Designers, two Web Developers and a Digital Marketer, we needed to get on the same page.

We established a plan that helped us move forward:

# 1

With only 24h, we knew that time management and workload awareness would be critical

# 2

It wasn’t a bonus if everyone got to contribute–it was imperative that everyone’s skillset be utilized to create the strongest deliverable

# 3

We wanted to come to a solution together that everyone was excited about (no dictatorships allowed)

# 4

No all-nighters or sacrificing self sanity - really, we all just wanted to do best, learn something new and have a good time


Given the timeframe, we decided to look at data that would be quickest to analyze while also giving significant insights moving forward.

Our data scientists were able to establish a clear relationship between uninsured individuals and living under the poverty line, so we came to the consensus that accessibility to health insurance had great potential for further exploration.

Uninsured population of U.S. Counties where income is less than 138% of the poverty line, where white is high and black is low.

Our data scientists kept digging, initializing a thorough predictive model for insurance plans.

After combing everything through, three main insights were revealed:

# 1


When choosing a health insurance plan, people make decisions based on insufficient information

# 2


Information on health insurance plans are relayed in a confusing and inconsistent manner

# 3


Even after choosing a plan, finding in-network services & availability for patients can be difficult



In order to address these key insights, we refined the overarching design question to:

How might we improve community health insurance access to ensure patients find network services in their budget?


Now it was time to think about who we were designing for. Drawing from the data, our user was likely an uninsured individual living in Texas. He just wants a simple way to take in insurance options to see what they can afford.

Derek Persona@2x.png

Next we needed to develop an understanding of what content was important. Considering not everyone was coming from a design background, we opted to write user stories because they explain in plain English what something does and how it adds value.

Keeping the Derek in mind, we decided on three key user stories to further develop:

# 1

As a shopper, I want to be matched to the best insurance policy so that I don’t have to explore option

After easily entering their personal details in a click through questionnaire an appropriate insurance provider match will be generated.

# 2

As a shopper, I want to easily see what all my options are so that I don’t miss out on a better choice

Having an exhaustive library gives people a resource to explore countless insurance providers, helping them make an informed decision.

# 3

As a shopper, I want to understand all the terminology so that I know what is included in each policy

Embedded throughout the app, anyone can click on confusing vocabulary to give a simple definition. This helps to make the app accessible to everyone.


Looking at our user stories, I took on the responsibility to draw up both the low and mid-fidelity wireframes before transitioning to the computer to help with efficiency.

These are the designs I came up with:

  1. Insurance match
    The first screen is for user onboarding while the second screen displays your best matches

  2. Explore options
    This screen details all of the relevant information to each insurance policy in an easily digestible format

  3. Understand terminology
    Complicated words specific to insurance plans will be underlined an the user will be able to click on it to get a definition

Sketching - Lo-Fi.png
Sketching Mid-Fi.png

Now it was time to create a high-fidelity prototype as fast as possible because the web developers were patiently waiting to start the build!

Considering we were building for Google, it was important that we closely adhered to the Material Design Guidelines so that our product was ready for launch.

Check out our moodboard on InVision



And here it is, all put together!

While clicking through keep in mind that you are trying to quickly find an insurance plan that matches your needs.

*Believe it or not we had extra time so you’ll also find an interactive map I created that allows users to see what locations are nearby included in their coverage.


Finally, it was time to share our hard work with the Google panel. We needed to:

  • share the key ideas

  • show a walk through of the prototype, and ultimately

  • sell our solution

Using the script we crafted that morning, we gave our best pitch - and the feedback was positive! They especially liked the understand feature, stating it was “something they could definitely see Google doing”.


We see our product integrating as a part of the core functionality on the Google Health dashboard.

Accessing and storing insurance information will allow the Google Health AI to make informed suggestions for in-network healthcare services. This will streamline communication with hospitals, further empowering users to take control over their own healthcare.

Moving forward, we are poised to develop our proof of concept into complete solutions, given the green light from Google Health.


# 1

Pushing the comfort zone

Initially it was completely overwhelming to design an app that would help people access health insurance considering I lived in Canada my entire life and have only ever known free insurance.

Same goes with designing for Android - up until this point I had only designed for iOS.

But there’s no time to learn like the present! Boy did I do a lot of research and push myself more than I thought possible.

# 2


Checking in frequently was key. What kind of data were you able to find? What do you think of this design? How many hours will you need to build this? Do you need any help with the presentation deck?

Things that made sense to me weren’t necessarily clear to others on the team. By talking openly and frequently we were able to avoid major hiccups and stay on track with our solution. Ultimately, this is what I attribute our success to.

# 3

More is more..?

When we first started I didn’t have the first clue what the data scientists were actually going to do, how many screens the web developers would be able to build or what value having a digital marketer brought to the team.

Working together not only opened my eyes to what the other disciplines were capable of, but also to how that added value and built a superior solution as a whole.

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